Connecting the workplace for Manufacturing
Optimise your business today!
It’s a fact of life equipment breaks down, mostly at the most inconvenient of times. This leads to fundamental loss of earning and creates pressure on customer expectations of service.
Reactive or preventive? How does a connected workplace function?
Condition monitoring of all types of production facilities utilising smart tags provides data on such things as heat or vibration, all indications of ware and excessive stress which lead to malfunctions.
Smart tags work within a pre-set given parameter automatically reporting anomalies outside of the expected no matter how small, this includes existing equipment easily adaptable for status reporting.
This is achieved wirelessly sending data to a secure cloud-based platform, alerts of abnormal activity reported via email to production personnel which can be investigated.
Understanding the cause of failure via the analytics provided, increases learning capabilities to predict future requirements and gives a full audit of individual processes.
Our systems also provide a Proof of Service automatically creating an electronic audit log ensuring maintenance schedules are not missed creating alerts to what is required when.
Device Tagging is becoming a standard element of working with expensive tools and parts, shared specialist devices critical to carry out a task often get mislaid or broken with no log of ownership or last used.
Our simple to use trusted tags cannot be cloned or removed without fraud alerts being activated, we have a range of identification and tracking systems available to create last used information which also create alerts for items not returned as planned.
Key tracking
With buildings come large amounts of keys, these become misplaced or restricted areas accessed by unauthorised people.
Our Key Tracking programs provides a simple to use structure, all physical keys are tagged with a unique NFC key tag. When a key is used, it is tapped on the tablet to launch the checkout interface and information about who took the key and when it is due back is recorded. When the key is returned, it is tapped again on the tablet to check it back into the system. Automatic reminders are issued to follow up on keys which are overdue for return.
Management benefits of a connected production facility will increase profitability increasing output and keeping manufacturing costs down.
Tailored solutions for Manufacturing
Connected Manufacturing
It’s a fact of life equipment breaks down, mostly at the most inconvenient of times. This leads to fundamental loss of earning and creates pressure on customer expectations of service.
Like our health with early intervention a cure can be found and given, aiding a faster recovery or best-case scenario prevention of a more serious situation all together.
In a production type setting this allows for planned downtime to replace broken or worn out parts stopping costly stoppages, allows time for having parts to hand to replace and ultimately maintain a consistent workflow.
Protecting assets improves profit
Whatever type of industry or market, there are endless possibilities to develop a fully audited automated system reporting on the essentials such as proof of compliance, lone worker protection, security and life safety systems.
Proof of compliance
In all aspects of your building and record keeping
Proof of service
Ensuring scheduled maintenance programs are fulfilled
Proof of Presence
Real-time location for people and assets
Proof of identity
Authenticate identity in a range of applications
Lone worker
Safety of your employees when they are working alone
Asset protection
Tracking of valuable items stops loss reduces cost
Key management
Record and monitor keys effective user tracking
Predictive breakdowns
Minimise machinery downtime
Energy use
Optimise services with real time data analytics
Air Quality
Providing data to protect and improve the quality of air
Stock control
Supply chain administration on time every time
Audit Trail
Records are always accurate and up to date
Information data
Provide critical data to increase performance
Footfall Data
Capturing people’s journeys through a building
Connected Healthcare
A multi-agency approach to ensuring the right care
Smart Legionella Monitoring
Proving compliance in water systems
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